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Notice on DBFP

29 Sept 2017

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"MOBILE SYSTEMS" Ltd. has successfully completed a grant contract under procedure: BG16RFOP002-2.001 "Improvement of production capacity in SMEs" of the Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020

Project file number: BG16RFOP002-2.001-1260

Contract No.: BG16RFOP002-2.001-1260-C01

Project title: "Improvement of competitiveness and production capacity of MOBILE SYSTEMS Ltd"

Contract signature date: 29.03.2016

Contract completion date: 29.09.2017

Duration of implementation (in months): 18 months

Place of implementation. Sofia

Total eligible costs (in BGN): BGN 2 809 041.00

Amount of BFP (in BGN): BGN 983 164.35

Amount of co-financing by the beneficiary (in BGN): BGN 1 825 876.65.

The overall objective of the project, which has been realised through the implementation of the specific objectives set in the project, is to expand the production capacity of MOBILE SYSTEMS and to consolidate the high export potential of the company in the ICT sector through investments in new assets. To achieve these objectives, the project implemented activities to add new features and improve existing products and to introduce new technologies to improve resource efficiency and effectiveness in the production process.

Within the project the following software was purchased and implemented:

  • 5pcs of specialized software needed to improve production processes and existing products, adding new functionalities to one of the company's important products, the File Commander mobile application, and

  • 1pc.

As a result of the project activities, the company has expanded its market position by optimizing its production processes and expanding its software development capacity, achieving higher productivity.

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