The MSDict dictionaries recognized by PalmSource for Palm Powered Solution
20 Feb 2004
Mobile Systems is pleased to announce that their dictionary reader program MSDict Viewer and the multiple supported dictionaries for MSDict have achieved Palm Powered Compatible Solution accreditation status.
Mobile Systems, Inc. informed Palm, Inc. that MSDict Viewer 5.30 passed all the requirements for the Palm Powered Compatible Solutions logo, a quality distinction that fewer than 1% of Palm apps ever earn. The Palm Powered Compatible Solution logo provides assurance that Palm OS® products meet compatibility, quality, and usability standards set by Palm, Inc. This means that the MSDict Viewer application and all compatible for it dictionary databases work flawlessly, performing exactly as described in the documentation without resets, even under grueling barrages of millions of random graffiti strokes, button and screen taps, system events, and memory-full conditions. It also confirms that MSDict Viewer meets stringent Palm interface guidelines, so it looks and feels like a standard Palm app should - making it easier for users to learn and operate.
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