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The new iOS 9 designed OfficeSuite 4.3 is here!

16 Dec 2015

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SAN DIEGO, December 2015

OfficeSuite, the leading office editor for mobile devices, has been updated to take advantage of the latest features introduced in iOS 9. Besides support for 3D Touch-enabled actions and Split View options, the latest version of OfficeSuite has a wide range of improvements to enhance your user experience. The latest update allows OfficeSuite to continue to be the most feature-rich office solution for iPhone and iPad!


The latest version of OfficeSuite is available now on Apple’s App Store.

About MobiSystems

MobiSystems has been a top productivity and business applications developer for over 10 years. Working with leading mobile device manufacturers, we constantly add value and enhanced user experience across all our applications. Our software delivers the best usability and desktop-grade functionality across all mobile platforms.

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