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"MOBILE SYSTEMS" Ltd. en ejecución del Contrato № BG-RRP-3.004-1888-C01 "Modernización tecnológica en el proyecto "Modernización tecnológica en la empresa"


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Today, 25.05.2023 MOBILE SYSTEMS Ltd. in implementation of Contract No. BG-RRP-3.004-1888-C01 "Technological modernization in the enterprise" announces a procedure for the selection of contractors by "Public Invitation" with subject:

"Supply and installation of equipment:

1. Laptop set, incl. docking station - 42 pcs.

2. Laptop set, incl. docking station - 6 pcs.

3.Laptop set, incl. docking station - 45 pcs."

The procedure is announced on the Internet address of the Information System for the Mechanism (ISM) (ISM 2020) -

Deadline for submission of offers: 01.06.2023

The documentation for participation can be found at HERE

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