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Compress PDFs to Make Them Smaller

A curved, metallic blade rests horizontally against a plain, light gray background.

How to Compress a PDF for Free

A curved, metallic blade rests horizontally against a plain, light gray background.

1. Upload your file. 
To take advantage of our free online PDF compression, simply drag and drop your PDF file to upload it to our server.

2. Decide how much to compress.
Choose between Basic, Medium, or Strong compression. For image-rich PDFs, we recommend choosing Basic or Medium compression settings to avoid significantly reducing the quality of your images.

3. Download your file.
Once the compression is completed, click on "Download your file" and choose where you want to save it.

Reasons to Convert With Us

A curved, metallic blade rests horizontally against a plain, light gray background.
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Simple process

You don't need to play with downsampling or other advanced settings to compress PDFs online properly.
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Your work remains private

We automatically delete the uploaded file as soon as you download your compressed PDF, keeping your personal data out of harm's reach.
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Compress from any device

As long as your device supports modern browsers, how to compress a PDF's file size will no longer be something to worry about.
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Compress Better with MobiPDF Desktop

MobiPDF Desktop's PDF compressor is designed to optimize PDF documents by making them smaller, faster to load, and easier to work with. It does this by taking your original file and compressing it to only a fraction of its initial size in a few easy steps. As a result, compressed PDFs are faster to share and take up less space on servers, streamlining organizations' work with files and allowing you to focus on more valuable tasks. Unlike our free online PDF compression tool, you can also compress an unlimited amount of files and get access to additional settings.

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A PDF Compressor That Anyone Can Use

With MobiPDF Desktop, getting the perfect balance between PDF size and quality is as simple as dragging the compression slider anywhere between 0% and 100% until you're satisfied with the result. With extended options for compressing PDFs to the most compact size possible, MobiPDF is a highly functional tool that is ideal for individual and business users ranging from students and interns to seasoned teams.

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Best Compression of Embedded Images

As images and other graphical elements are added to a PDF, its file size will rapidly grow, making it hard to use and share. With MobiPDF's compression tool, you can shrink not just text-based content, but also all embedded images in the file by a custom amount to get the most efficient compression possible.

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Why Use MobiPDF Desktop Instead of Our Free Online Tool?

A curved, metallic blade rests horizontally against a plain, light gray background.

Besides allowing unlimited PDF compression, MobiPDF Desktop lets you work locally on your device, avoiding the need to compress your PDF document online. With MobiPDF's compression, you also get to decide just how much to compress text and images. You can also set the appropriate DPI resolution for each image within your document to preserve its quality for print work. Lastly, PDF compression erases any junk data stored from previous document revisions, ensuring that your final version will only contain what truly matters for your project.



PDF compression helps you minimize a PDF’s file size as much as possible without degrading its original quality. For instance, it is exceptionally useful when you need to share documents via email since you’re always guaranteed to meet the attachment limits.

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See What Else Is Possible With MobiPDF

A curved, metallic blade rests horizontally against a plain, light gray background.