Mobile Systems releases the COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY for Mobile Devices
Aug 29, 2007
20 August, 2007 - COLLINS ENGLISH DICTIONARY FOR MOBILE DEVICES Mobile Systems has partnered with Harper Collins, one of the world's most trusted dictionary and reference publishers and sources of information, to put comprehensive knowledge tools at the fingertips of mobile phone users. The licensed by Mobile Systems content - the Collins English Dictionary - is the foremost authority on the language today, and the mobile version of this title in MSDict format will help cell phone and PDA users find precise and timely answers wherever and whenever they need reference help - at work, at home, on the train or in their travels. The Palm OS version of the dictionary is already commercially available and other mobile platforms to be released soon - Symbian UIQ, S60, Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone, BlackBerry and Java. |
The Collins English Dictionary is a rich source of words for everyone who loves language. Not only is the dictionary comprehensive and authoritative with its 123,000 headwords and 200,000 definitions, but it also offers outstanding coverage of world, regional and dialect English. Including a much wider range of words than ever before, the extensive coverage of geographical, scientific, and technical entries has been updated by the Collins team of leading academic experts.
Publishing dictionaries for over 175 years, Collins is the number one dictionary publisher in the UK and one of the world's largest dictionary companies. Collins publishes English dictionaries, the Cobuild range of dictionaries of learners of English, and a wide range of bilingual dictionaries, and including dictionaries for children and students
The MSDict Collins English Dictionary for Palm OS is available for 30 days trial and purchase for $29.99 at Mobile Systems web store and other online software channels as, and
Version for Symbian UIQ, S60, Windows Mobile Pocket PC and Smartphone, BlackBerry and Java will be soon available.