MSDict 7 for Palm with New Learning Features and 3 more Oxford Dictionaries
Oct 10, 2005
Mobile Systems, Inc., the leading developer of handheld dictionary and reference software, announced today the release version 7 of their dictionary reader MSDict Viewer for Palm OS. MSDict Viewer 7 comes with an additional learning application MSDict Wordbook specially designed to facilitate the language learning process. The application allows you to:
- Create your own word lists
- Easily memorize selected words
- Check your learning progress
Oxford Concise French, German and Spanish Dictionaries The new version is coincides with the release on three new dictionary titles by Oxford University Press. Mobile Systems extends their product line with the following dictionaries: - Concise Oxford-Hachette French Dictionary -
- Concise Oxford-Duden German Dictionary -
- Concise Oxford Spanish Dictionary -
Pricing & Availability: The MSDict Viewer 7 is bundled with each of the commercial dictionaries by Oxford University Press and Mobile Systems. Depending on the dictionary the prices vary from $24.95 to $39.95 for the Oxford Concise series dictionaries. MSDict Viewer is also available as a stand-alone product. Owners of the viewer program can purchase just separate dictionary titles. Registered users Owners of MSDict can upgrade to MSDict 7 for $9.95.