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Oxford Dictionary of English now available for FREE on iTunes

Jun 26, 2015

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SAN DIEGO, June 2015

The leading mobile app publisher and developer MobiSystems together with Oxford University Press, have the pleasure to release the foremost single-volume English dictionary, The Oxford Dictionary of English, as a FREE mobile app for iOS.

MobiSystems has been cooperating with Oxford University Press since 2003. The partnership has led to over 190 published mobile applications for multiple mobile devices and operating systems.

The Oxford Dictionary of English FREE application brings the word search functionality to your iOS device, allowing you to browse through the very latest vocabulary, with over 350,000 words and phrases. The dictionary also includes over 75 000 audio pronunciations.

Entirely revised and updated to include the most comprehensive and accurate picture of the English language today, Oxford Dictionary of English represents the authority of dictionary apps.

Casper Grathwrohl, President, Oxford Dictionaries, says, “We are delighted to work with MobiSystems on this new app. It will allow users across the world to access the latest language updates from our renowned language research programme wherever they are and at any time, as well as give users the chance to engage and learn with Oxford Dictionaries.”

The Oxford Dictionary FREE is now available on iOS at this link:

About Oxford University Press:

Oxford University Press (OUP) is the largest university press in the world, and the second-oldest it is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide.

About MobiSystems

MobiSystems, founded in 2001 and entirely privately held, has been a leading provider of mobile productivity and business apps for over 10 years. As the developer of the award winning mobile app OfficeSuite, MobiSystems serves over 200 million individual and enterprise users in 205 countries. It is a Google Play Editor's Choice, and the top app in the business category with over 350,000 reviews. OfficeSuite is also PC Magazine's Editor's Choice and InfoWorld's Best Office App for Android.

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